Our work with government

We enjoy strong relationships and support at all levels of government. This means our bids are backed by senior decision-makers; our international partners and their events are profiled at the highest level; and our team is well connected and knowledgeable about government priorities.

NSW Government

For more than 30 years, the NSW Government has backed us to bring business visitors to Sydney. We work closely with funding partners Destination NSW and Place Management NSW, which owns ICC Sydney, plus Ministers, departments and agencies with portfolios relevant to our work.

Local government

At the local government level, we work closely with the City of Sydney, which provides investment and collaborates with us on important initiatives, including the Global Destination Sustainability Index and the Sustainable Destination Partnership.

Australian Government

Business events are vital to investment, tourism, trade, and international relationships, so we also work with Australian Government partners – including Austrade, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Tourism Australia – to help our clients deliver meetings and maximise outcomes.

Our work with industry

We work with industry partners – including peak bodies, policy think tanks, business chambers and associations – to lead for our sector, create global pathways, and help articulate the value of business events for audiences worldwide across industry, government, and civil society.

Our current industry partners include;